APS Undergraduate Poster Session
Poster Session — Sunday, April 22, 2018 — 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM — Convention Center, Room Sails Pavilion
Education Committee — Chair: Jeff Osborn — Co-Chair:
APS members and interested scientists: Meet the future of physiology and maybe your next graduate student! This special session is separate from any regularly scheduled scientific session and will highlight the contributions of undergraduate students to physiology research. Note: All undergraduate presenters must arrive by 3:00 PM to hang his/her poster. This first hour will also be dedicated time to meet with graduate programs on site.
Host Societies
Experimental Biology is the annual meeting of five Host Societies. By becoming a member of one of the societies below before registering, you can save up to $200 off the price of regular registration. Click a Host Society logo below to join today and save: