The Influence of State on Cardiorespiratory Control Mechanisms
Featured Topic — Wednesday, April 25, 2018 — 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM — Convention Center, Room 27
Respiration Section — Chair: Kevin James Cummings — Co-Chair: Mathias Dutschmann
This session will focus on the physiological mechanisms underlying the effects of vigilance state and anesthesia on the neuronal control of breathing and cardiovascular function in early postnatal life and adulthood. This topic will include the effects of state on respiratory rhythm and patterning, chemoreception, motor control of the respiratory muscles, and the coupling between autonomic and respiratory control mechanisms.
- Sleep and wake signals in upper airway motoneurons.
Leszek Kubin — Biomedical Sciences, University of Pennsylvania
- Muscarinic blockade stabilizes the breathing pattern of serotonin-deficient rat pups during active sleep
Marina L Davis — University of Missouri
- Identifying Pathways for Apolipoprotein A2 Actions on Respiratory Rhythmogenesis
Kingman Perkins Strohl — Case Western Reserve Uiniveristy
- ATP in the Lateral Hypothalamus/Perifornical area (LH/PFA) Increases CO2 Chemoreflex.
Mirela Barros Dias — UNESP
- Drowning a frog respiratory oscillator in a wash of network excitability
Richard JA Wilson — Cumming Sch. of Med., Univ. of Calgary
Mathias Dutschmann —
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