2017 Abstracts American Physiological Soceity Experimental Biology Information

The integrated physiological response to heat stress in vulnerable populations.

Featured Topic — Tuesday, April 25, 2017 — 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM — , Room W193
Environmental and Exercise Physiology Section — Chair: Michael Sawka — Co-Chair:

In healthy people, the body regulates its core temperature within a narrow range, irrespective of environmental conditions. This is accomplished through an integrated physiological response which includes neural, thermoregulatory, and cardiovascular mechanisms. However, exposure to hot environments and or performing exercise can impose significant burden on the body when the integrated physiological responses to heat exposure are compromised, which, if left unchecked, can ultimately result in serious heat-related injuries or death.  Mounting evidence demonstrates that human aging and chronic health conditions (diabetes, hypertension, etc.) compromise the integrated physiological response to heat stress. In these individuals, heat stress can worsen already limited physiological function and aggravate disease-specific symptoms.  In this session, we will examine the physiological mechanisms underpinning age- and disease-related impairments in physiological function that reduce heat tolerance.  


  • Neural and Cardiovascular Responses to Heat Stress in the Elderly
    Daniel Gagnon — CV Prevention & Rehabilitation Ctr (EPIC), Univ. of Montreal